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                 "The best way to avoid becoming a victim, is to avoid becoming the target."                                                       

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Matthew Docchio

We empower individuals to achieve their full potential by providing innovative and tailored training solutions that inspire continuous learning, foster personal security, and drive situational awareness in diverse environments.


Get to Know Us

Empower Academy Logo

At Empower Academy, we empower individuals to achieve their full potential by providing innovative and tailored training solutions that inspire continuous learning, foster personal security, and drive situational awareness in diverse environments. Through cutting-edge curriculum, personalized training, and a commitment to excellence, we aim to be the premier partner for keeping individuals a step ahead of emerging threats in an ever-evolving world.

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Did you know?
Statistics at colleges across the United States, 26.4% of females experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation and 5.8% of students have experienced stalking. As horrifying as these numbers are, the real numbers are much larger as it is estimated only 20% are reported. 

What is the solution?

In the face of a disturbing epidemic that has marred the lives of countless young women, we can no longer rely on the mere band-aid of awareness to shield our daughters on college campuses. The grim reality is that the institutions entrusted with our daughters'  education have often prioritized protecting their own reputations over the safety of these young minds.
Enter Empower 101 – a revolutionary solution poised to transform the landscape of campus safety. Unlike existing initiatives that stop at spreading awareness, Empower 101 takes a proactive approach, arming young women with a precise set of skills and proven techniques. Our mission is not to empower these women to defend themselves but to apply these skills in order to avoid becoming a victim by avoiding every becoming the target. 

Learn more about our Empower 101 Course

Empower Academy's
Angel Sponsorship Program

Partner with us and become an Angel!

Angel Sponsorship Program
Angel Sponsorship Program Logo

Each and every young woman deserves empowerment and have the ability to avoid ever becoming a victim. Empower 101 provides the solution and Empower Academy's Angel Sponsorship Program ensures those most in need get that opportunity. The solution to protecting our daughters is empowering them to protect themselves. Provide them not only with a deep understanding of specific skills and techniques to avoid becoming a victim, but capable of effectively applying them to avoid ever becoming the target. Unfortunately, many young women are unable to attend this course.

Partner up with us, become a sponsor and help empower this next generation by providing more opportunities for more of these young women. With your help we aim to ensure every daughter arrives to college that first day aware, trained, resilient and not alone.


Get to know our instructors...

Green Board

Who are they?

Empower Academy retains the best instructors in the world. We understand for decades the United States Army Special Forces (Green Berets) spend most of their careers overseas working with, mentoring and training our Partner Nations Forces. The skills and techniques taught by the Green Berets to our Partner Nations helped to shape Empower Academy's curriculum. Not only have they been teaching these techniques, but every instructor draws from real world experiences utilizing them. Remember we base everything on realism and relevance, we guarantee everything we teach has been tested and proven to be effective by your instructors. 

Instructor Training Course (ITC) Certified

Not only is every instructor a Retired Green Beret but each one is also ITC certified. This means that not only do they bring decades of experience and knowledge to the classroom, but they also have successfully completed the accredited 32-hour training course that provides instruction on adult learning, instructor competencies, classroom strategies, communication skills, instructional delivery, use of technology in a classroom, and assessment of student learning outcomes. This is why we can say with confidence that Empower Academy retains the best instructors in the world. 

Classroom Lesson



At Empower Academy, we are committed to providing the solution to this decades long crisis threatening our daughters at college campuses across the country. When you purchase any item from our store, Empower Academy donates 100% of the profits to the Angel Sponsorship Program. 

Writing on Computer

The Hard Target

The Hard Target is a digital haven where ideas come to life and conversations can flourish. From insightful articles on the latest trends and news on emerging threats, school security and the latest info on how not to become the target to thought-provoking pieces that delve into the heart of societal issues. We aim to provide a rich tapestry of content that resonates with you. Join us on this journey of discovery, where every article is a doorway to new insights and meaningful conversations.

Check out our blog....




EMPOWER 101 - APRIL 27/28

Thank you to our newest Angel Sponsor!


Thank you to our new Angel Sponsor!


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